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Assists Patches Are A Disadvantage!

by Administrator | 1228 comments

It's my firm belief that helps patches sold by major pharmaceutical companies really are a complete con. Not only can there be conflicting evidence about assists patch effectiveness, but (being a cynic) There's no doubt that they are marketed that will simply raise cash for that shareholders of the pharmaceutic companies!

Let me reveal. Smoking is an expensive habit to hold. In the UK, some sort of packet of cigarettes features already exceeded $12, largely because of taxation and duties raised by government. (The argument due to this is that smokers cost money to manage when they are dying from other smoking related disease. The flaw in that argument is everyone costs a handsome profit to treat when they're dying! )

Because tobacco is so expensive owing to tax, quit smoking patches usually are expensive too - because they could be and because the pharmaceutical drug companies have set the retail price point as high when they can. A quit smoking patch costs at most 20 cents to produce but a week's supply costs considerably at the least ten times more then a few bucks. Why is this specific?

Well, when I was your smoker and I tried repeatedly (and failed several times) to supports using quit smoking areas. One of the considerations We'd make when deciding to test nicotine replacement therapies was we wouldn't spend more money on endeavoring to quit than I would likely on not quitting!

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